Custom Training and Facilitation
Develop Custom Courses and Implement Successful Training Solutions
Sometimes, an off-the-shelf solution just isn’t right for your organization’s needs.
That’s why PSI is committed to working with you to create custom training and performance support solutions to meet your specific goals. Our instructional design and industry expertise allow us to identify relevant content and implement successful solutions that meet your audience’s unique objectives.

Call us to learn more at 1-866-468-6774!
Custom Training
We work with clients to develop individual training courses, create performance support tools and design entire curriculums. When working on a custom project, PSI maximizes your internal resources, incorporates and reinforces your existing assets (e.g., sales and account planning processes, current course offerings) and, where applicable, leverages PSI’s off-the-shelf training to develop cost-effective solutions.
Not only do we design custom training and performance support solutions that are reflective of audience needs, but we deliver these solutions in easily accessible formats. We offer solutions across a variety of formats, including:
- eLearning courses
- Virtual instructor-led training
- Instructor-led training
- Business simulations and microsimulations
- Microlearning
- Gamified learning
- Videos and animations
- Podcasts
- Learning bursts
- Blended learning
- Assessments
- Training on-demand
- Case studies
Let us help you design a solution to meet all of your learning criteria.
Learning Bursts
An example of the type of custom work we create is a learning burst. A learning burst is PSI’s version of microlearning, a great way to deliver information on current and fast-changing topics. Each learning burst is a short (5-10 minutes) and focused learning tool to provide you with critical information on important topics – like digital disruption.
We use a variety of mediums to provide learning bursts that meet your needs in a budget-friendly way. We can develop:
- Interactive Videos – check out a video we created on 5G!
- Podcasts
- eLearning
- Animations – see what our animators can do!
- Blogs
- And more . . .
Call us to learn more at 1-866-468-6774!

Facilitation and Coaching
PSI instructors are seasoned industry experts who offer a unique combination of highly effective facilitation and in-depth industry knowledge to ensure your next delivery is successful. Our instructors are adept at delivering high quality and engaging programs across a variety of formats:
- Instructor-led training
- Virtual instructor-led training
- Blended learning
- Training on demand
- Podcasts
- And more…
An Example of Our Work
Client Goal:
A large financial institution wanted Finance professionals to understand how macro-economic factors impact their bank’s performance across all major lines of business.
PSI Solution:
We used our in-depth industry knowledge and years of simulation experience to develop an exciting and competitive virtual simulation. PSI instructors have taught this successful simulation since 2016, and the client continues to love it!
Call us to learn more at 1-866-468-6774!
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