Downloadable Resources

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Industry IQ Support Materials

Why Industry Knowledge is Important

Sample Emails for Accounting and Consulting FirmsDOC
Sample Emails for Technology CompaniesDOC
Slide Deck for Accounting and Consulting FirmsPPT
Slide Deck for Technology CompaniesPPT
Success Story !How to Develop Success StoriesPDF
Success Story Consulting and Accounting Firms Learner 1 empowering my careerDOCX
Success Story Technology Companies Learner 1 empowering my careerDOCX
Success Story Technology Companies Learner 2 elevating my skillsDOCX
Why is Industry Knowledge ImportantVIDEO

PSI Curriculum Support Materials

Financial Services, Insurance, Health Care and Life Sciences, and Inside Technology, Media, and Telecommunications

Curriculum + Wiki DemoVIDEO
Inside the Industry® – Curriculums OverviewPDF
Inside the Industry® – Wikis OverviewPDF
Inside the Industry® Curriculum OutlinesSITE LINK
Inside the Industry® Curriculums Info sheetPDF
Inside the Industry® Wiki Info sheetPDF
Wiki DemoVIDEO

Partner Curriculum Support Materials

Manufacturing, Retail Fundamentals, Consumer Goods

Consumer Goods Industry Suite brochurePDF
Fundamentals of Retail brochurePDF
Manufacturing Curriculum DescriptionsPDF
Manufacturing Industry Insights Wikis DescriptionsPDF